Glenn A. Louk

Apr 14, 2018

by admin

A native of Howell Township, NJ and a veteran of the US Armed Services. He currently serves as an Army Instructor at Northeast High School in Clarksville, TN. Command Sergeant Major Louk holds a Masters Degree in Management and Leadership from Liberty University. He has received extensive awards some of which include: Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal (2 OLC),
Meritorious Service Medal(2OLC), and Army Commendation Medal (6 OLC). Command Sergeant
Major Louk’s deployments include; Operation Desert Shield/Storm, multiple tours in support of
Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom as part of the Global War on Terrorism.



1860 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Suite 111A, Clarksville,TN 37040


Dr. Merriel Bullock-Neal
